Thursday, September 20, 2007

Woodworking @ New Brighton

Woodworking is the process of building, making or carving something using wood. For this class, students will perform tasks to create projects that demonstrate a competence required by the California Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards of the California Content Standards. It consists of 10 Foundation Standards:

1. Academics - add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbeers, fractions and decimals.

2. Communication - plan and conduct multiple-step strategies in problem solving.

3. Career Planning and Management - understand the nature of entrepreneurial activities.

4. Technology - understand the use of technology to gain access to, manipulate, and produce information, products, and services.

5. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking - Understand the systematic problem-solving models that incorporate input, process, outcome, and feedback components.

6. Health and Safety - understand critical elements of health and safety practices related to storing, cleaning, and maintaining tools, equipment and supplies.

7. Responsibility and Flexibility - understand the importance of accountability and responsibility in fulfilling personal, community, and workplace roles.

8. Ethics and Legal Responsibilities - understand the role of personal integrity and ethical behavior in the workplace.

9. Leadership and Teamwork - understand how to interact with others in ways that demonstrate respect for individual and cultural differences and for the attitudes and feeling of others.

10. Technical Knowledge and Skills - use, store, and allocate materials efficiently, and use space efficiently.

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